Interest Rates

Earn Market Rate Interest on Your Uninvested Cash Balances

Client accounts are eligible to receive credit interest on long settled cash balances in their securities accounts.

Accounts with a Net Asset Value (NAV) of USD 100,000 (or equivalent) or more are paid interest at the full rate for which they are eligible. Accounts with NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) receive interest at rates proportional to the size of the account.

For example, an account with a NAV of USD 50,000 earns credit interest at a rate equal to one-half the rate paid by Capstone to accounts with a NAV of USD 100,000 or more.

Interest accrues and is payable daily. Capstone posts the interest payments on a monthly basis on the third business day of the following month. Capstone uses a blended rate based on the tiers outlined in the table below. The tiers on which interest rates are based are subject to change without prior notification.

For balances held in CHF, DKK, EUR, JPY or SEK, Capstone currently applies an effective negative rate to long balances held. The negative rate applied to accounts holding these currencies is the same regardless of account size. For other currencies in which the benchmark rate plus the interest rate paid is less than zero, the interest paid is 0%.

Higher Interest Rates for Large Cash Balances

Capstone pays interest to clients for credit balances, based upon rates available in the interbank deposit market. For those clients that hold large cash balances in multiple currencies, we offer the ability to take advantage of the Forex Swaps market to potentially earn higher rates. This program is not designed for and would not benefit any client who holds a single-currency long balance. The mechanics behind this program involve the buying of a currency for settlement one day out and the selling of the same currency two days out, the difference in value between the two settlement dates being the interest earned. We automatically keep rolling the swaps until you no longer meet the minimum balance criteria or you instruct us to halt the program.

You must have at least USD 10 million in cash, and US residents must be Eligible Contract Participants (ECP) to enroll in the program. For more information please contact our swaps desk at or refer to our Knowledge Base.

Interest Paid to You on Positive (Credit) Cash Balances

View Examples

BM = Benchmark Rate
Currency Tier Rate Paid: Capstone Pro Rate Paid: Capstone Lite
USD 0 ≤ 10,000 0% 0%
> 10,000 0% (BM - 0.5%) 0% (BM - 1.5%)
AUD 0 ≤ 14,000 0% 0%
14,000 ≤ 140,000 0% (BM - 0.5%) 0% (BM - 1.5%)
> 140,000 0% (BM - 0.25%) 0% (BM - 1.5%)
CAD 0 ≤ 13,000 0% 0%
> 13,000 0% (BM - 0.5%) 0% (BM - 1.5%)
CHF 0 ≤ 50,000 0% 0%
> 50,000 -0.944% (BM - 0.25%) -1.944% (BM - 1.25%)
CNH 0 ≤ 65,000 0% 0%
> 65,000 0.50% 0.50%
CZK 0 ≤ 1,000,000 0% 0%
> 1,000,000 2.5% (BM - 0.25%) 1.5% (BM - 1.25%)
DKK 0 ≤ 300,000 0% 0%
> 300,000 -0.843% (BM - 0.25%) -1.843% (BM - 1.25%)
EUR 0 ≤ 50,000 0% 0%
> 50,000 -0.803% (BM - 0.25%) -1.803% (BM - 1.25%)
GBP 0 ≤ 8,000 0% 0%
> 8,000 0% (BM - 0.5%) 0% (BM - 1.5%)
HKD 0 ≤ 78,000 0% 0%
> 78,000 0% (BM - 0.75%) 0% (BM - 1.75%)
HUF 0 ≤ 3,000,000 0% 0%
> 3,000,000 0.844% (BM - 3%) 0% (BM - 4%)
ILS All 0% 0%
INR All 0% 0%
JPY 0 ≤ 5,000,000 0% 0%
> 5,000,000 -0.392% (BM - 0.25%) -1.392% (BM - 1.25%)
KRW 0 ≤ 12,000,000 0% 0%
> 12,000,000 0% (BM - 1.5%) 0% (BM - 2.5%)
MXN 0 ≤ 200,000 0% 0%
> 200,000 1.403% (BM - 4%) 0.403% (BM - 5%)
NOK 0 ≤ 90,000 0% 0%
> 90,000 0% (BM - 2.5%) 0% (BM - 3.5%)
NZD 0 ≤ 15,000 0% 0%
> 15,000 0% (BM - 2.5%) 0% (BM - 3.5%)
PLN 0 ≤ 400,000 0% 0%
> 400,000 0% (BM - 2%) 0% (BM - 3%)
RUB 0 ≤ 750,000 0% 0%
> 750,000 3.168% (BM - 5%) 2.168% (BM - 6%)
SEK 0 ≤ 400,000 0% 0%
> 400,000 -0.457% (BM - 0.25%) -1.457% (BM - 1.25%)
SGD 0 ≤ 14,000 0% 0%
> 14,000 0% (BM - 1%) 0% (BM - 2%)
TRY 0 ≤ 90,000 0% 0%
> 90,000 5% 4%
ZAR 0 ≤ 150,000 0% 0%
> 150,000 3.155% (BM - 1%) 2.155% (BM - 2%)
  1. Credit balances greater than USD 10,000 (or equivalent) in accounts with a NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) will be paid interest at a proportional rate. For accounts holding credit balances in currencies carrying a negative interest rate, the negative rate will be applied to accounts with balances of at least USD 100,000 (or equivalent), but smaller credit balances will not be charged the negative rate.